Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sabriel Movie Trailer--Completed!

Here we have the final version of the Sabriel Movie Trailer, as entered into the Utah Multimedia Arts Festival 2011, where we are proud to announce it received first place! Thank you again to all of those who were so diligently worked with us on this fantastic project! It has greatly entertained us all, even when it was just because we were going insane from hours after school of non-stop editing, and has even helped to develop Film Club even more by providing us with brand new experience, concepts, and ideas. Thank you to you all!


  1. omg how did this win?! I love that you tried, and its great you learned something. But the acting is awful, and ...the locations are to modern. classrooms? The outside scenes and snow is great, though.

  2. Good attempt! At a glance I couldn't see anything deviating from the text!

  3. Hey, you guys did a great job trying to recreate the first book. :) Don't mind the haters! It is definitely not great compared to videos people make now, but it's a great stepping stone for y'all. Good luck with future videos.
