This past weekend, the Davis High Film Club had the amazing opportunity to get some great footage from the Bear River Massacre Memorial Service for our documentary on the Shoshone Indians. The service took place Friday, January 29 at the site of the memorial for the massacre. It was a really great experience and we had so much fun! The people there were so welcoming and supportive of what we were doing. It was incredible to see how many of the Shoshone wanted their story to be told, and it makes me happy to know that Film Club will be telling that story again through the medium we know best.
We set up three cameras from different angles and then we did interviews with individual people. The footage we got had really good sound and HD picture quality (due to the giant new camera Mrs. Greenwood just ordered). We also had a big boom mic that we held over the speaker for the duration of the event. Among our interviews we were also able to talk with Patty Timbimboo, who organized the whole event, and Gwen Timbimboo, who is the trible chairman.
Also, this week I was able to talk with our wonderful Principal Dee Buron. He told me that
he was very proud of our efforts and that he wanted us to keep him updated on our documentary. It makes me very excited to know that the principal is showing his support of our small and relatively new club!
We will be entering this documentary into two contests for sure. They are: 1) The Freedom Foundation Contest, and 2) a Southern Utah International Documentary Contest.
Film Club would like to extend a very big thank-you to the teachers and chaperones that supported us in our efforts and came with us to the service: Mrs. Scheuller, Mrs. Greenwood, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Havertz, and Mr. Guest.
Film club members that came and contributed are : Karl Southwick, John Thompson, Matthew Havertz, Quinn Guest, Jacob Zimmerman, Autumn Eads, Jarred Haviland, Bree Naylor, and Bond Denhalter. Great job guys!
If anyone reading this entry would like to contact me please do! My e-mail address is BananaHavertz(at)gmail(dot)com Thank-you!
Just thought I'd let you know that our principal's last name is Burton..not Buron. Principal Dee Burton.